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February 24, 2021

The newest partner of KatanaPIM: Semso

The newest partner of KatanaPIM: Semso

Since last week KatanaPIM has a fantastic new partner: Semso. This integration specialist is a master in linking business software. This ensures that information always flows smoothly through the organization without dual input.

Semso is also an Exact Online partner, which means that they can make fantastic links between the software of Exact Online and your other applications. In the past they have proven their value as a company with a customer portfolio filled with names such as Boldking, Íser Skyr and De Librije.

From now on Semso will also become an official KatanaPIM partner which means that they can offer their customers an even more complete software offer. KatanaPIM is the perfect platform for the growing demand in Product Information Managementsoftware. Through its many distinguishing features, it is an enrichment for every e-commerce organization.

“As an integration specialist, we ensure that all data is sent from A to B without a hitch. The enrichment of product data was often a difficult issue to solve. With KatanaPIM, we have found the perfect and most experienced partner.”

Niek Ressing, Owner & Sales/Projects Semso

We, as KatanaPIM, are thrilled with this new partnership with Semso. We are also very confident that this will result in a great collaboration.

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The newest partner of KatanaPIM: Semso

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Get your product information together and scale your business

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Get your product information together and scale your business

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